I have a heart, i have feelings, I dream a lot and I want that my friends always will be happy.Never be rude with me.I am very funny girl,very positive person, so i like to share my positive mood with you.I love my friends from here.Sometimes you make me laugh like crazy that i forget about everything and in such moments i think :"What i am doing, i need to shake my ass"lol.Sometimes u make my day and i have a perfect mood all day.Thanx for supporting me.I try to be better every day for myself and for you guys...Very simple things can me me smile and laugh like a .One my friend told me that i am like a sun in a grey sky and i will be a sun for u in every weather and will try to light up your way until i am able to do it.
My oline time
(Moscow time)
Monday- 9-15
Tuesday-day off
Wednesday day off
Thursday d ay off
Friday im morning be here 9.30-15.00
Saturday im morning be here 9.30-15.00
Sunday in day be here 15.30-21.00
Respect another members.
Im don't use WU or PPL!
Not ask me about and show.
I dont do show for "tommorow's tokens"
Do not SPAM in my room!